Open Letter to the Bernie Or Bust Contingent

Open Letter to the Bernie Or Bust Contingent

Your candidate is well respected and ran a tough campaign. Sadly however, like most good things in life, it has come to an end. To be clear; MATH has made this determination. Not corruption, system rigging, or a poor process, but simple arithmetic determined Senator Sanders is not and will not be in a position to represent the Democratic Party as its presidential nominee. He lost the popular vote by nearly half a million people, the pledged delegate race by roughly 300, and he won significantly less contests.

Thus, ardent Sanders supporters who proclaim they are “Bernie or Bust” have an important yet unambiguous decision to make. Not only is the decision unambiguous but quite rudimentary when the sheer number of options (7) is weighed. The SEVEN options are as follows:

1) Abstain from voting in November
2) Write-in a candidate you support
3) Run for president (if eligible)
4) Vote for Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein
5) Vote for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson
6) Vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump
7) Vote for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton

All of these options are available. Here’s some advice — choose one! Don’t talk about it be about it! Many of you claim Hillary is some morally bankrupt political ne’er-do-well. Well if that is your position then don’t vote for her. Just be quiet about it. Folks who think they can convince intelligent people that preferring Hillary Clinton is the same as Donald Trump are mistaken. Hillary is an attorney who fought for children, humanitarian who fought for women in China, former First Lady of Arkansas who fought for universal healthcare, Former First Lady of the United States who helped AIDS victims in Africa receive help, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State who facilitated the signing of peace treaties. While her Republican counterpart Trump is a racist demagogue demanding a ban on Muslims, a xenophobic opportunist who wants to deport people of Mexican descent, a serial adulterer misogynist who endlessly insults women, and a shady real estate developer who intentionally bankrupted FOUR businesses in order to manipulate the system in his favor, costing taxpayers hundreds of millions in the process.

If you truly believe Trump and Clinton are the same, okay. But do the rest of us a favor, wallow in the pity of your delusions alone and stop harassing people who support Clinton. This election is much more important than your hurt feelings about Sanders getting annihilated in every significant contest. You either agree with the likes of President Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Vice President Biden, OR you agree with the likes of Chris Christie, Mitch McConnell and Reince Priebus.

If the risk of destroying international markets, and revitalizing the Ku Klux Klan, is worth the reward of sending a message to the DNC then see options 1–6 above.

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Spare Me the Righteous Indignation